Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Exploring Current Trends and Innovations in Nutrition and Dietetics

About Conference

On behalf of Organizing Committee, we take immense pleasure in inviting all the participants across the world to attend European Summit on Health and Fitness which is scheduled on May 01 - 02, 2020 at Barcelona, Spain and it organized with the theme of Unveiling the Advancements in Health and Fitness.

The value of  health and fitness  all over the world is expanding day by day. Health and fitness keeps our body and mind healthy and very peaceful. It brings out the feeling of comfort physically, spiritually, mentally and socially. The real meaning of the health and fitness involves the efficient and proper working of all the parts of body such as heart, nervous system, kidney, heart, liver, digestive system, brain and so on.

Health and Fitness Conference is the best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants across the globe. The complete session provides special opportunities for scientists, researchers, principal investigators, nutritionists, dietitians, fitness experts, health care professionals, physicians, industry partners as well as biological science experts from all parts of the world to share and exchange their research experience, gain new knowledge and can develop new contacts.

Scope and importance of Health and Fitness 2020

Fitness Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for the speakers, delegates from universities, institutes and from business communities to interact with the world class scientists. Participants can learn cutting edge advancements, concepts and strategies that make you more efficient at your research. It provides an opportunity to form new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

The major aspiration of  Health Conference is to promote awareness about proper nutrition, diet, fitness and other risk associated with improper diet, lack of exercises along with obesity, other malnutrition causing disorders and its impact on health, the health and fitness event will also encourage and strengthen advanced research on various causes, results, treatment and prevention.  Health and Fitness 2020 also inspires the researchers to highlight their role, which paves way to develop network among active researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines.

Attendees will receive the information that can be used by professionals who work independently or in fitness centers, health clubs, schools, the healthcare industry, business corporations and other community settings. To address its mission the Health and Fitness 2020 Summit offers programming tracks that will span the fitness and health care industries.

Who Should Attend the Health and Fitness 2020 Annual Conference?

·        Healthcare Professionals

·        Healthcare Business Planners and Developers

·        Hospital CEOs and Administrators

·        Healthcare Students

·        Clinicians/Rehab Specialists

·        Registered Nurses

·        Medical Directors

·        Physicians

·        Fitness Center Directors and Managers

·        Exercise Physiologists

·        Group Fitness Instructors

·        Athletic Trainers

·        Kinesiotherapists

·        Medical Fitness Students

·        Associations and Societies as meeting sponsors and collaborative partners

Welcome Message

Mark your calendar for the world's noteworthy Health and Fitness event of the year, the European Summit on Health and Fitness during May 01-02, 2020 at Barcelona, Spain. This yearly meeting will provide an incomparable experience and the opportunity to highlight the updates of hottest topics in the arena of health and fitness.

The annual summit on Health and Fitness, will offer more opportunities to present your research work, engage with other fellow partners, colleagues and to initiate collaborations. Abstracts that are reviewed and accepted for presentation will be considered for presentations and attendees can exercise their body and mind through inspiring keynote sessions, hands-on workshops, stimulating oral presentations, poster sessions and exhibitions.

Health and Fitness 2020 will be a remarkable event which covers a wide range of topics related to the advancements in the area of healthcare, medicine, physical therapy, nutrition, diet, exercise, yoga, obesity, fitness and more. It will also provide an opportunity to the experts in the field of Health and Fitness to examine most recent progressions and obstacles in the domain.

This two day grand event not only seeks to capture the state-of-the-art improvements in health and fitness with specific importance on their possible utilities, but also serves as a podium for nurturing international collaborations among health professionals, societies, fitness centers and scientists around the world to create a mutual effort for promoting utilization of health and fitness data.

Associate with the top minds in the field and a global community of health and fitness professionals from every sub-specialty and trade and offer the perspectives at the beautiful location of Barcelona!

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session on Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a process of achieving  personal best state of mental and physical being. Eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean protein and maintaining an active lifestyle contribute significantly to one’s state of health and wellness. Maintaining good eating and exercise habits are just a part of the process. To achieve a full state of Health and wellness, one must address the social, emotional, spiritual and occupational factors. There are different“models” of the parts making up wellness and well-being Emotional, intellectual, Nutrition,Occupational,  Physical, Safety, Self-Care,  Sexuality, Social,Spiritual

Modern living has severely damaged our sleep patterns. We are sleeping less than ever before and paying a heavy price for this in regards to our health and wellness.

Related : Health Conferences | Fitness Conferences | Physical Therapy Events |Rehabilitation MeetingsSports Medicine SummitMaterial Health and Fitness Workshops | Public Health Congress

Related Association or Societies: Corporate Health and Wellness AssociationAmerican Health and Wellness AssociationMedical Wellness Association, Global Wellness AssociationAmerican Mental Wellness AssociationNational Association for Health and Fitness.

Session on Public Health

The main goal of public health is to protect and improve the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and injury prevention, and detecting,preventing and responding to infectious diseases. Public health drives to track disease outbreaks, prevent injuries and make light on some of us are more likely to suffer from poor health than others. The many issues of public health include speaking out for laws that promote smoke-free indoor air and seat belts, spreading the word about ways to stay healthy and giving science-based solutions to problems. All activities are targeted at entire populations such as health operation. There are many differences that can be made between public health and the clinical health professions. While public health is comprised of many professional disciplines such as medicine, dentistry, nursing optometry,nutrition, social work, environmental sciences, health education, health services administration, and the behavioural sciences, it’s all activities focus on entire people rather than the individual ones.

Related : Fitness Conferences | Fitness Events | Physical Therapy MeetingRehabilitation SummitSports Medicine WorkshopHealth and Fitness Congresses | Public Health Symposium

Related Associations or Societies: The World Federation of Public Health AssociationAmerican Public Health AssociationAssociation of Public Health LaboratoriesApha American Public Health and Association of Schools and Programs of Public HealthRoyal Society for Public Health.

Session on EnvironmentalOccupational and Safety Health

The main motivation in occupational health is focus three different objectives: (i) the maintenance and promotion of workers  health and working ability; (ii) the improvement in working environment as well as  work to become helpful for  safety and health and (iii) development in work organisation and working culture in a way which support health and safety at a work and promote positive climate and smooth operation and increase the productivity. From an environmental point of view, it involves creating a logical approach to fulfilling with environmental regulations, such as managing waste or air emission in all the way.

The Environmental health and Occupational Health and Safety (EOHS) works to provide a safe and healthful working environment for the faculty and staff.  This is done by providing consultation, training, workplace audit and evaluation and technical support.  EOHS provides health, safety, and environmental services to the organisation to facilitate compliance with all environmental, occupational health and safety regulations.

Related :  Fitness Congress | Fitness Symposium | Physical Therapy ConferenceRehabilitation ConferencesSports Medicine Events

Related Associations or Societies: Occupational Environmental Medical Association of CanadaAssociation of Occupational and Environmental ClinicsNorthwest Association of Occupational and Environmental ScienceWestern Occupational and Environmental Medical AssociationEuropean Society for Environmental and Occupational MedicineEnvironmental and Occupational Health SocietySOEHNational Environmental Health Association

Session on  Mental Health

Mental health Consist of both our emotional or psychological, and social well-being It is an unpredictable spectrum, in which the mental health of an individual can have many different possible values. Many factors that are contribute to mental health problems, including Biological factors includes  genes or brain chemistry life experiences,such as trauma or abuse, Family history of mental health problems, Ways to maintain positive mental health include: Getting professional help if you need it, Connecting with others, Staying positive, Getting physically active, Helping others, Getting enough sleep, Developing coping skills.

Some Conditions involve circuits in your brain that are used in thinking, mood, and behaviour. For instance,you may have too much, or not enough activity of certain brain chemicals called“neurotransmitter” within those circuits, most of the brain injuries are also the reason for the mental illness.

Related : Fitness Events | Physical Therapy MeetingsRehabilitation SummitSports Medicine WorkshopsHealth and Fitness CongressPublic Health Symposium

Related Association or SocietiesNational Mental Health OrganisationWorld Health Organisation for Mental HealthMental Health AssociationMental Health AmericaSOAS Mental Health SocietyAmerican Psychological Association

Session on Child and Adolescent Health

The National Children’s Day focused on the importance of a healthy childhood, and how we need to protect the rights of children to ensure that they can grow into happy, healthy adults. They span measures from the stage of early childhood include such as breastfeeding and low birth weight, to teenage and young adult measures  include such as smoking and sexual health.

The update include  highlights the worrying increase in childhood obesity, the delaying in rates of infant mortality, and an increase in hospital admissions as a result of self-harm. However there are some promising improvements also includes are  reduction in smoking among young people and a decrease in teenage pregnancy. All children and adolescents should have the opportunity to have a secure and healthy transition from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood, equipped with the necessary skills and competences to make a positive contribution to their own health and to society.

Related : Health Events | Fitness Meetings | Physical Therapy Summit |Rehabilitation WorkshopsSports Medicine Workshops | Health and Fitness Symposium | Public Health congress

Related Association or SocietiesInternational Association for Adolescent HealthSAHM Society for Adolescent Health and MedicineChild and Adolescent Health AssociationUnicef Adolescent Health and Development.

Session on Women Health and Fitness

Women  Health include issues in Pregnancy, menopause, and conditions of the female organs. Women can have a healthy pregnancy by getting early and regular medical care. They should also get recommended breast cancer, cervical cancer bone density screenings.

The Fitness process includes of  losing weight and staying fit, women often end up making mistakes like eating too less, not working out as per their body type and expecting instant results. It is essential to concentrate on having a balanced diet comprising all the nutrients, and compliment it with regular workouts by making exercise a fun activity rather than a boring task. Fitness is a long process, especially for women who have to want weight loss.  Fitness guide for the new-age women who are too busy in their work feeling no time for fitness.

Related : Health Meetings | Fitness Summit | Physical Therapy WorkshopsRehabilitation CongressSports Medicine Symposium | Health and Fitness Conference | Public Health Conference

Related Association or Societies: WIFA Women in fitness organisationIHFA International Health and Fitness AssociationAWF Association of Women Fitness

Session on Types of Fitness and Benefits

Exercise gives oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work effectively. There are four fitness types related to in our day to day physical activities they are Cardiovascular/aerobic exerciseanaerobic exerciseJoint flexibilityMuscular endurance and strength. Aerobic exercise, help to improve the heart rate functioning and breathing, it is more important for all body functions. Anaerobic exercise is the process of breaking down the glucose for energy without using oxygen. Flexibility exercises helps to improve the muscles and also improves movement at the joints. Strength exercises push-ups and crunches, weight lifting, work your muscles by using resistance.

Generally, exercises controls weight, fight health conditions and diseases, improves mood,boots energy, and promotes better sleep.

Related : Fitness Summit | Fitness Workshops | Physical Therapy CongressRehabilitation SymposiumSports Medicine Conference | Health and Fitness Conference | Public Health Events       

Related Association or SocietiesAFPA Health, Nutrition and Fitness,Aerobics and Fitness Association of AmericaAmerican fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA), Canadian Association of Fitness Professionals (CAFP), Fifty plus Fitness AssociationIDEA Health and fitness AssociationMedical Fitness AssociationInternational Health and Fitness FederationNational Association for Health and Fitness(NAHF).

Session on Health Behaviour Change and Motivation

The current issue of Psychology and Health focuses on an important topic for contemporary health psychology, namely health behaviours. Motivation is a psychological construct.The motivation is related to diabetes self-management, and summarise recent evidence regarding interventions to improve motivation for people with diabetes,including interventions to train health professionals to support people’s self-management in the context of diabetes care. We also discuss more recent behaviour changeinterventions focusing on action and prompting techniques.

Related : Health Workshops | Fitness Congress | Physical Therapy SymposiumRehabilitation Conference | Sports Medicine Conferences | Health and Fitness Events | Public Health Meetings

Related Association or Societies: UK Society for Behavioural MedicineUCL Centre for Behavioural ChangeSociety for Behavioural Health SingaporeSociety of Behavioural Medicine

Session On Factors affecting body’s fitness

Variables can influence your wellbeing and wellness are  contamination, movement , hot,elevation is largely case for the muscles weakness; which result in  heart rate drops; development diminishes;muscle versus fat increments. There are a few factors that can influence person's wellbeing and wellness are sullying , warm, stature, injury,inconsistent rest/sleep, dehydration, psychological factors & mental preparation and age.

Related : Health Symposium | Fitness Conference | Physical therapy ConferencesRehabilitation EventsSports Medicine MeetingsHealth and Fitness Summit | Public Health Workshops

Related Associations or Societies:  Association of Flexibility with Sociodemographic Factors,  Diabetes Exercise and Sports AssociationMedical Fitness Association

Session on Physical Inactivity: Diseases and Disorders

Physical inactivity,along with more consumption of tobacco intake, poor diet and nutrition, are part of our day  to day life style which leads to rapid increase of disease  such as  diabetes, or obesity, Cardiovascular disease. These risk factors cause Chronic diseases which lead to the causes of death in every part of the world. These chronic diseases are mostly preventable. The health care resources are invented in preventing these disease which would saves countries and peoples precious life, said WHO.

The habits of having a healthy lifestyle includes nutrition diet and regular exercise which should begin from the earlier childhood which promote us for health and active life style. Physical inactivity are begin a risk factor for some disease include anxiety and depression, increases the risk of certain cancer,increases the blood pressure, obesity or over weight are one of the physically inactive, inactivity tend to increase in age.

Related : Health Conference | Fitness Conferences | Physical Therapy Events |Rehabilitation MeetingsSports Medicine SummitHealth and Fitness Workshops | Public Health Congress

Related Association or SocietiesAmerican Association for Active Life Style and FitnessFitness Educators of Active Adult AssociationFoundation of Active Healthy KidsInternational Council on Active Aging.

Session on Exercise Physiology and Metabolism

The survival of humans was strictly related to their physical capacity. To achieve Physical goals required a prompt and efficient energy system capable of sustaining either high intensity or maintaining prolonged physical activity. The oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates, fats to a minor extent, proteins,can sustain physical activity for many hours. Carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel for working muscle and their contribution to total fuel oxidation is positively related to the intensity of exercise. The first metabolic pathways of carbohydrate metabolism to be involved are skeletal muscle glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Later circulating glucose, formed through activated gluconeogenesis, becomes an important energetic source. Among glucose metabolites, lactate plays a primary role as either direct or indirect(gluconeogenesis) energy source for contracting skeletal muscle.

Related : Health Events | Fitness Meetings | Physical Therapy Summit |Rehabilitation WorkshopsSports Medicine CongressHealth and Fitness SymposiumPublic Health Conferences

Related Association or Societies : Aerobics and Fitness Association of AmericaAmerican Academy of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationAmerican Physical Therapy AssociationAmerican Physiological SocietyCanadian Society for Exercise Physiology.

Session on Sports Medicine

Sports medicine focuses on how to help people in order to improve their athletic performance, to recover from injury and to prevent their  future injuries. It is one of the fast-growing health care fields, because health workers who specialize in sports medicine help all kinds of people, not just athletes. Sports Medicine connects the gap between science and practice in the advancement of exercise and health and in the scientific assessment, study and understanding of sports performance.Regular features include in field of Sport medicine are sports injury prevention and treatment; exercise for health; drugs in sport and recommendations for training and nutrition. Healthcare of Sport Medicine provided for injuries such asankle sprain, fracture, knee and shoulder injury, tend on it is, exercise-induced asthma, heat illness, concussion, eating disorder, cartilage injury.

Related : Health Events | Fitness Meetings | Physical Therapy Summit | Rehabilitation Workshops |Sports Medicine Congress | Health and Fitness Symposium | Public Health Conferences

Related Association or SocietiesInternational Federation of Sports MedicineNational Academy of Sports MedicineAmerican Medical Society for Sports MedicineAmerican Orthopaedic Society for Sports MedicineNational Federation of State High School AssociationsEuropean Federation of Sports Medicine AssociationsInternational Council of Sports Science and Physical Education

Session on Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy  

Yoga is a collection of physical, mental, and thoughtful practices or trains which was started first in India. Among the most notable sorts of yoga are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga. Numerous examinations have endeavoured to decide the possibilities of yoga as a reciprocal intervention for malignant growth, schizophrenia, asthma, and coronary illness. Yoga therapy hasa strong success rate in some of the diseases such as musculoskeletal disorder,cardiac rehabilitation,and cardio vascular disorder, endocrine disorders, and digestive problems, gynaecological disorders, lifestyle disorders

Naturopathy medicine is a form of alternative medicine that works in helping the body to heal itself, using the force of Nature. Naturopathy does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment but takes into account the factors responsible for the disease such as ones unnatural habits in living, thinking, working, sleeping, relaxing, sexual indulgence etc. It also considers the environmental factors involved which on the whole disturb the normal functioning of the body and lead to a morbid, weak and toxic state.

Related : Health Meetings | Fitness Summit | Physical Therapy Summit |Rehabilitation CongressSports Medicine SymposiumHealth and Fitness ConferencesPublic Health Conferences

Related Association or Societies: Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre,  Central Council for Research in Yoga and NaturopathyIndian Association of YogaMinistry of Ayush, World Naturopathic FederationShathayu Ayurveda Yoga RetreatAtmaneem Best Naturopathy and Nature Cure Center    

Session on Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

The main aim of Physical therapy  is to provide relief to patients who suffering from bone and joint ailments by promoting flexibility Interventions used in physical therapy involve both physical and mechanical modalities in combination with physical exercises to Relieve pain. It helps to improve movement or ability, prevent from the sport injury, and prevent disability or surgery, rehabilitation after a stroke,accident, injury, or surgery, allow to Manage a chronic disorders like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis. , recover after you give birth, control your bowels or bladder adapt to an artificial limb

Rehabilitation Process helping a person who has suffered an illness or injury restore lost skills and so regain maximum self-sufficiency. For example, rehabilitation work after a stroke help or improve the activity of people. A person who has had a stroke may need rehabilitation to do their daily activities.

Related : Health Summit Fitness Workshops Physical Therapy Congress Rehabilitation Symposium | Sports Medicine Conference Health and Fitness Conferences Public Health Events

Related Association or SocietiesFoundation for physical therapyPhysical Therapy Political Action CommitteeWorld Conference for Physical therapyCommission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy EducationAmerican Council of Academic Physical Therapy, American Board on Physical Therapy SpecialtiesAssociation WHO Provide Rehabilitative ServicesIndian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

Session on New Trends and Updates in Nutrition and Fitness

Every year bought new trends to the fitness industry. The nutrition’s impact on wellness and weight management goals isundeniable.

Few nutrition trends that is likely to pick up steam in 2020 are Nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition,the micro biome and gut health, protein and its role in healthy aging,fasting and time-restricted eating, CBD-related products, carnivore diet

Some of the declared benefits include improved control of chronic conditions like cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes, as well as decreased cancer risk, improved digestive issues, improved energy levels and mental clarity, improved sleep patterns and improvement in mental health

Related : Health Conference Fitness Conferences Physical Therapy Events Rehabilitation Meetings | Sports Medicine Summit Health and Fitness Workshops Public Health Congress

Related Association or Societies: Society of Nutrition and Food Science e.VAmerican Society for Nutrition.

Market Analysis

Increasing  cases of mental illness is an evolving trend in the area of health and wellness. The most common factors of mental illness includes anxiety, depression, fear, insomnia, and stress. If these illness are not spoken in the earlier stage can adversely affect physical health and lead to chronic disorders such as diabetes, heart diseases, obesity,cancer and more on. The main causes for stress are due to environmental pressures such as financial problems, work, and societal expectations relationship breakups and so on . It is very harmful and affect the individual’s lifestyle and health. Now a days , awareness about preventing these illnesses and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle is increasing among the young generation. However, to fight mental illness, the government has taken a duty on one’s person’s life and  also some other voluntary organizations are creating awareness about the identification and treatment of mental  illnesses. It is not only to improve or reduce the number of mental illness cases but also to energise the overall growth and wellness of the community.

The Worldwide  health and wellness market size will grow by USD 810.69 billion during  the year 2019-2023. This market report provides a detailed analysis of the market by product health and wellness food, preventive Personalized health and fitness equipment , personal care product,beauty and wellness tourism )and geography (South America, North America,Europe, MEA, APAC). Also, the report analyses the market’s competitive landscape and offers information on several market vendors including Danone SA, Bayer AG,Procter & Gamble Co, Brunswick Corp and Nestlé SA.

Growing promotion of mHealth apps to create positive and  healthier out come along with the increasing preference for mobile apps are some of the driving factors for the mhealth applications market.

With the replacement of traditional healthcare delivery models by patient-centric care model, growth in acceptance of mHealth platforms is projected as an increasing number of physicians recommend using health-related apps. Moreover,the growing perception of smartphones is supporting growth. It is estimated that by 2020, smartphone subscriptions would have reached 6.1 billion. This growth is mainly expected from less grown markets such as India, Egypt, Turkey,and UAE.


North America was found to be the main segment in terms of revenue share. Increase in demand for the population health and information of systematic analysis has led to increased adoption by player, Health planner and provider. The mobile technology allow monitoring and remote treatment for chronic condition. mHealth-enabled devices allow collecting user data and later connect the results

Several Asian countries are focused with tactics in digital health  to manage healthcare delivery and ensure better outcomes. In case, Digital India program aims to implement IT services to empower people in healthcare. These Programs are expected to make Asia Pacific the fastest growing segment during the forecast period.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 01-02, 2020
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